To deliver Outcomes it’s important to

  • Work on the correct tasks
  • Ensure we have sufficient resources

What we manage to deliver provides insight in to these two factors.

Urgent and Important
If something is Urgent and Important, then it usually gets done.
If we are unable to get all the Urgent and Important work done, then we are failing.
→ Something needs to change

If something is Important this is where we drive the creation of real value.
→ Ideally we should be spending all our time here.

If we never get to the Important but not Urgent tasks, then the chance of success drops significantly.
We are not in control, we are at the whim of external factors.
→ Regain Control

Urgent but Not Important
If something is Urgent, and not Important, then we shouldn’t be doing it.
We should confirm what is Important, and focus there… if we can’t get rid of the task, maybe it was Important after all
→ Avoid the Urgency Trap.